The DeMolay Foundation Trustees conducted their annual mid-winter meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona January 23-25. The Foundation hosted the DI line officers, Grand Master Whitaker and Claudia, Grand Senior Bohn, Grand Junior D’Aguanno and Tammie as well as Executive Director Moore. Ross Pfannenstiel of the Hartsook Companies conducted a training session on fundraising leadership. Trustee Kerry Campbell presented on foundation fiduciary duties, relating that also to our duties to our donors. A round table discussion of what is involved in donor accountability provoked a lot of viewpoints that allowed DF & DI to harmonize their approaches to the DF to DI grant process. It was a collegial meeting enjoyed by all. The cost of the hotel rooms was underwritten by Trustee President Paul Bohannon.

Scottsdale Meeting
27 January, 2020