
Allan E. Iding joined DeMolay in 1954, was a Master Councilor of his chapter in 1956 and State Master Councilor of Wisconsin in 1957-58.  He is a Chevalier and Legion of Honor and has been a Chapter Advisor and member of the International Supreme Council (Honorary, Active and Emeritus) since 1974.

He was Executive Officer in Wisconsin from 2011-2014, when the jurisdictions net membership increased 50%.  Al has been a Director and President of the United Masonic Board for DeMolay in Wisconsin, Inc.  He has been a Director of the Wisconsin DeMolay Foundation for many years and has served as its President since 1985.

Al graduated from Marquette University College of Business Administration in 1961 and Marquette University Law School in 1963.  He was a law clerk on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals for a year and then joined the law firm which is today Husch & Blackwell, where he became a partner.  His specialty was trusts and estates law.  He was recognized as a “Super-lawyer” by Milwaukee Magazine and as one of the “Best Lawyers in America.”  He has been listed in Who’s Who in America and several other Whose Who publications. Al retired from the law practice in 2006.

He is a Past Master of James M. Hays Lodge No. 331 and Silas H. Shepherd Lodge of Research No. 1843.  He edited the 2-volume 800 page book “Forward Freemasonry” and is a York and Scottish Rite Mason.

Al holds the 33rd Degree in the Scottish Rite and served as Commander in Chief of the Consistory and for many years as a Trustee of the Valley of Milwaukee and as President of the Wisconsin Scottish Rite Foundation.  He holds the Purple Cross of the York Rite College.

Al Iding was Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin in 1981-82, and has served as a Grand Lodge Trustee and as a Director and President of the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation, as President of the Wisconsin Masonic Benevolent Activities Board and as a Director and Chairman of the Board of the Wisconsin Masonic Home, Inc.  He was awarded the Grand Master’s Meritorious Service Award.