Louis K. "Kerry" Campbell began his DeMolay career over 50 years ago, joining Roanoke Valley, Virginia, chapter in the fall of 1965. A Past Master Councilor, he achieved the Representative DeMolay award and was honored by selection as a Chevalier.
He has served as a DeMolay advisor since 1971 and a chapter dad of either Roanoke Valley or Hanging Rock Chapter for approximately 30 of those years.
He has served on the Executive Officer’s staff for many years as a regional deputy and a state awards advisor. He is a recipient of the Legion of Honor and has been chosen Advisor of the Year and honored with the Virginia Lifetime Achievement Award. The Virginia DeMolay Foundation conferred on him the Odie R. Howell leadership award. He has served on Supreme Council for 20 years
A forty-five year Mason, he is a two-time Master of his lodge, Past District Deputy Grand Master, and was honored by election in November of 2012 to serve as Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, promoting a theme that year of "Masonry’s Youth – Masonry’s Future." In 2018 he was honored with the Grand Lodge of Virginia’s George Washington Distinguished Service Award.
The holder of two degrees from the College of William and Mary, he engaged in the general practice of law in his hometown of Fincastle and is retired after a 24-year career as a state trial court judge.
His wife Marsha has also served as a DeMolay advisor and Son, Alex, is a senior DeMolay and Master Mason.