Monthly Archives: July 2020


8 July, 2020

The following report was submitted by DI to DF in compliance with the Membership Services Representative program grant made by DF to DI. Under the grant, funded with $173,000 for this year, DI is to make 90 day progress reports that DF can use to report to its donors.

This report is impressive, and it demonstrates DI’s commitment to fulfilling the purposes of the grant. Each of our Foundation members and our donors may wish to pay particular attention to the report. We think you will be quite proud of DI’s project implementation.


8 July, 2020

USE AMAZON, SUPPORT THE DEMOLAY FOUNDATION! and its vendors have a program designed to support nonprofits like The DeMolay Foundation. Every time you make a qualified purchase, Amazon and the vendor donate a small amount to your designated charity — The DeMolay Foundation. It doesn’t cost you any more.

Two steps: (1) register your existing account at change your link to “” which automatically logs you into the donation account after you register.

It is seamless and easy! As you purchase, we grow and DeMolay support grows.


6 July, 2020

DeMolay International announced that Brother Alex Buckwinkler of Bloomingdale Chapter is the 2020 DeMolay of the Year. The DeMolay Foundation is the sponsor of the DeMolay of the Year Award.

Brother Buckwinkler is a senior at Northern Illinois University, majoring in English Education with a perfect 4.0 gpa. He serves as Vice President of the school’s English Honor Society and is the founder of the University’s English Student Ambassadors, a program to support all English students in their educational quests. In high school he was a state champion in the drama speech competition.

Alex’s DeMolay record is impeccable. He holds the PMC-MSA, BHK, Legion of Merit, and is designated a Grand Ritualist.

Brother Buckwinkler will receive a cash scholarship from the Foundation as part of his honor.

Over 25 years ago, current Foundation President Paul Bohannon, the 1969 DOY recipient, permanently endowed the award by cash gift to the DeMolay Foundation, which is the award’s sponsor. Current contributions to the DOY fund at the Foundation will be deposited into the permanent endowment to increase the scholarship benefit.