Monthly Archives: August 2019

Great Plains DLC

25 August, 2019

The Great Plains DeMolay Leadership Camp is the grand-daddy of all of our youth leadership camps. With four different leadership tracks, the camp provides detailed instruction on the skills your young man needs to excel. DeMolay prides itself on being the “premier leadership training and character building organization for young men.” And nowhere else does DeMolay deliver better than at its leadership camps.

Great Plains, in Oklahoma, develops personal organizational skills as well as those required to chair a meeting and handle even difficult situations. An even more advanced track teaches your young man to plan and create seminar-like meetings. These skills are precursors to business meetings in adult life.

Look for our other DLC focus posts in the future.

Learn more about the Grand-Daddy DLC at

Reconnecting with DeMolay

13 August, 2019

About 15 years ago, DeMolay International’s computer system suffered a major crash, and with that event literally 50 years of DeMolay alumni information was forever lost. The DeMolay Foundation is excited to announce that it is commencing a series of social events designed to reconnect our lost brothers. Currently we are planning events in Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, and Oklahoma. Expect these in October, followed in November with even more states! Please watch for your invitations, which will be directed to the cities involved. The series will extend over a year-long time, so we will try to host in every city where there is a good DeMolay cluster.

Grand Master Whitaker is strongly behind our program. Join us for an evening of fun!